Bhavsar Kshatriya Samaj

Asia's ancient warrior clan

Contact Details

The community portal is developed and maintained by Pravin Balaji Dhayfule, an IT Professional from India. For any sort of queries or feedback regarding content or contributing to any information to be put on the portal, feel free to contact Pravin through phone or email.

Please do not reach out to us asking for information about any Vadhu-Var or any other activities related to the Samaj offices. We are not aware of nor involved with them.

For Bhavsar Vadhu-Var and Samaj Office related Inquiries

This information is received from one of the Bhavsar netizen who requested to add this for people. We are not sure of acuracy of the contact details.`

  • Contact Name: Anmol Hibabare
  • Contact Number: +91 9921033291