About BhavsarSamaj.com
BhavsarSamaj.com is an online Platform meant for presenting its visitors with rich information about Bhavsar Kshatriya Samaj. This portal made its appearance on February 14th, 2004 when social networking was limited to chats and forums.
This portal is nowhere related to any office bearers who claim to have governing authority over the community and its members.
This portal is neither related nor endorsed by the Mahasabhas nor their affiliates. This portal is not part of any political warfare nor supporter of community social politics.This is only an information portal for enlightening people about the community.
Please do not reach out to us asking for information about any Vadhu-Var or any other activities related to the Samaj offices. We are not aware of nor involved with them.
Some Early Birds & Supportors of the Portal
There were many online and offline people who helped the development of the portal in the past 2003 in terms of Information Sharing. Some of them are:
- Mr. Balaji Chinajirao Dhayfule: My Father, guide and prime supporter for the project, who led me to Mr. Sudhir Petkar from Mumbai's Samaj Office
- Mrs. Smita Balaji Dhayfule: My Mother and guide for the project.
- Mr. Sudhir Petkar: The office bearer of Mumbai Bhavsar Samaj in Mahajan-wadi, Parel. Who provided initial raw data about the community for building the portal's content.
- Mr. Dinesh Malve: Mr. Dinesh provided the photographs and the primary information about the pilgrimage of Goddess Hingalaj in Pakistan.
- Mrs. Roopa Ambekar: Mrs. Roopa is from US and have been providing social guidance for the development of the portal.
- Mr. Suneel Sakhare: Mr. Suneel from Ahmedabad Bhavsar Kshatriya Samaj has been closely coordinating to provide guidance for the portal.
- Mr. Narharirao Bagre: Mr. Bagre is one of the senior most citizens from the community. He has been providing valuable guidance in terms of social strategy and development of the portal.
- Mr. Sameer Khanore: Mr. Sameer from Pune provided valuable information about the community and its traditions.
- Mr. Vijay Pukale: Mr. Vijay was then a Scientist at Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) - Mumbai, now works as a Senior Professional in Information Technology Industry.
- Mr. Pritam Bhavsar: Mr. Pritam is a Software Professional from Pune.
Likewise there were many early users of the portal who supported with a good will. The portal needs volunteers in terms of contacts for people reaching out to us.